Chronicles of Ancient Darkness

The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness (or COAD for short) is a 6-book children's series written by Michelle Paver. they were some of my favourite books growing up, but they're criminally unknown; to this day, the only other person i've met who knows the series is my best friend -- who introduced me to the books in the first place :')

so, i've put together this page to bring some attention to a wonderful series that has brought me a lot of wonder and joy over the years!

series summary

COAD takes place in the world of the ancient past -- approximately 6 000 years ago, when humans lived a nomadic, hunter-gatherer life. people live in clans, named after animals. some of the prominent clans in the series are the Wolf Clan and the Raven Clan.

some of the later books include light fantasy elements (mages, prophetic visions, etc) but it's largely an historical adventure.

the COAD books are about the journey of Torak, a young boy from the Wolf Clan, and Renn, of the Raven Clan, as they fight to stop the Soul Eaters -- a powerful group of Mages who attempt to take control of the Forest in which they live. each book in the series details their fight against a different member of the Soul Eaters.

part of the magic of this series is the extent of research that the author has done; while writing the books, she travelled to the Arctic Circle and spent time amongst wolves, amongst a host of other things. and the extent of the research shows; the world of COAD is evocative and richly-detailed.