about me
undefinably queer, probably neurodivergent.
likes the idea of creating more than the act of it.
somehow simultaneously bounces between projects whilst remaining remarkably consistent.
located in Aotearoa New Zealand.
about this site
i created this website on a whim with the blind enthusiasm of somebody who has absolutely 0 experience in whatever it is they're about to do. the most coding i have ever done in my whole entire life is when i had to use RStudio to make some graphs for one of my Microbiology papers in uni, and i didn't understand a single damn thing all semester (i somehow passed that class, but only by the skin of my teeth)
as a kid in the early/mid-2000s, i spent a lot of time online browsing Pokémon fansites. i spent whole afternoons following affiliate links, exploring everything this passionate niche of the internet had to offer my young self. despite this, i never quite got the idea in my head that i could make a website of my own -- at least, not one that looked and functioned like an Actual, Honest-to-God Website. while i did spend a lot of time on Piczo, that involved far less coding and far more drag-and-dropping as many glitter graphics as i could physically fit on a page. i was also young enough as to only have a single digit in my age, so what little 'content' existed on my Piczo site consisted mainly of terrible video game reviews, a barely-started Pokémon Mystery Dungeon walkthrough, and a detailed guide on how to 'zombiefy' your younger sister's Barbies.
of course, in order to have a site it needs to be about something; my brain latched onto the first thing it could think of that i liked, which was video games. and thus, Beyond the Sky was born. (however, i am indecisive and have never been particularly good at committing to any one thing, so in reality this site is more of a fansite/personal site hybrid.)
i spent the entire weeking feverishly alternating between neocities and W3Schools, and by the time Monday rolled around i had something that functioned vaguely like a website and wasn't a complete assault on the eyes. i've been working on the site on-and-off since then, and have already learned a whole lot, so the some of the pages are going to look a lot uglier than others as i haven't (yet) gotten around to redoing them. i'll get there ... eventually :')
Beyond the Sky is a hobby and a passion project. i don't know what i'm doing; i'm having fun learning. updates come as and when i have the motivation to work on them. my attention span is fleeting as all hell, and i have a terrible problem with perfectionism -- part of what this site means to me, as the webmaster, is learning to be okay with putting things out into the world when they're not 100% 'perfect'; reminding myself that 'finished is better than perfect'. a lot of this site's pages are made live when they're 'good enough', and retroactively edited once i've learned a little more. please do not hesitate to let me know if something is outright broken, though! the best way to contact me, currently, is via neocities or my chatbox.
likes |
dislikes |
music |
games |
books |
interests |
miscellaneous random facts about me |
favourite characters