Xenoblade Chronicles is my favourite game of all time! following the release of Future Redeemed, it skyrocketed to my favourite series ever. it's hard to describe exactly WHY i love it so much without sounding cliche as hell, but i'll try my best :3
my favourite game in the series is Xenoblade 1, though i also like Xenoblade 3 a whole lot! (i am... not a big fan of Xenoblade 2. sorry XB2 likers this is probably not the place for you)
i think the biggest thing i love about Xenoblade is that the world feels so real and lived-in. right from the outset, you get the sense that the world exists outside of the scope of the protagonists; you, as the audience, are only seeing this select snippet of it.
the world of Xenoblade takes place atop two dead titans!!! how cool is that!!! and the locations throughout the game, especially those on the Bionis, are the perfect blend of familiar and fantastical; you really feel like you're exploring a whole other world, while somehow still feeling like you're returning somewhere you've known your whole life. and as for the NPCs... so many of them have their own relationships and problems independent the protagonists, but by interacting with them through sidequests you really get the sense that your actions are having an impact on the game's world.
no game has ever enthralled me as immediately and as thoroughly as Xenoblade Chronicles. everything about it, from the world to the characters captured my heart and still has not let it go over three years later. i would sit down in the evening to play and wind up playing until the early hours of the morning, only stopping when my eyes began to burn.
the first time i beat the game, i'd sat down at 6pm to play for a bit ... only ... i'd left off right before Mechonis Core. Mechonis Core turned everything i thought i'd known about the game and its world on its head; i had to pause the game just to sit on the floor and Process. afterwards, i just HAD to know what happened next -- and before i knew it, the sun was rising and the credits were rolling. i'd wound up playing for over 15 hours straight, but the experience of concluding this story i had invested almost 100 hours of my life into, exhausted and slightly delirious, is still to this day one of my favourite moments in gaming.
i'm a huge fan of how the scenery of the Bionis changes at night ... most of my favourite areas are nighttime areas! specifically i love Valak Mountain, Satorl Marsh, and Eryth Sea (especially when there are shooting stars!)
the characters in Xenoblade are all so endearing that it's hard to choose a favourite! whilst the main party fill classic, albeit tropey roles, each character fills their designated role in such satisfying ways (and, at times, subverts them in equally-satisfying ways) that it's hard not to love them :')
Shiora my beloved ... they have my whole entire heart!!!!