Natural Causes: the Life and Many Deaths of Britain's top Forensic Pathologist (Dr Richard Shepherd) (still); rereading A Deadly Education (Naomi Novik)
Alanis Morrisette - Jagged Little Pill
Orange is the New Black
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney ; replaying Xenoblade Chronicles 3
project: still none ... i miss hyperfixation SO bad,,,
goal: learning to drive
recent wins:
- OFFICIALLY booked in for an ADHD assessment!!! finallyyyy :''')
- scheduled to sit my driver's licence test (scawy....)
- found the most vampire-coded jacket at a thrift store in Melbourne
- have been spending a lot of time with friends lately :')
on the horizon:
- ADHD assessment !!
- restricted licence test (both in the same month AHHH)
- bf's uni graduation!